Sam’s Club 2020 Advent Calendar For Dogs

Sam’s Club 2020 Advent Calendar For Dogs
The Sam’s Club 2020 Advent Calendar For Dogs just arrived in the stores this past week! It is an impressive and colorful box – 21″ tall! – and hard to pass on for the low price of $9.98. The calendar contains 35 healthy dog treats made from all natural ingredients so you can spoil your furbaby throughout the Advent season!

My dog Rocket was totally focused on this box, not an unusual behavior as he is a textbook border collie. Not spoiled a bit. We talked about the box, the concept of Advent, and I agreed to let him check out the treat hidden underneath the Day 1 door so he could help me with the review. He didn’t seem very interested in the discussion but was very enthusiastic about my decision!

And then it was gone! After looking at the box I think the Day 1 treat was a chicken filet about 4 inches long. I managed to get half the treat away from Rocket for a very quick photo. Very quick.

The 34 jerky dog treats and 1 bully stick developed for the Sam’s Club 2020 Advent Calendar For Dogs are impressively healthy! And large! The calendar’s creator “worked with a supplier in Germany, which is where traditional Advent Calendars originated, to provide treats with only two all-natural ingredients.” The really low purchase price doesn’t reflect the amount and quality of the treats!

The Sam’s Club 2020 Advent Calendar For Dogs is a great buy if you want to include your dog in your family’s countdown toward Christmas! I think that this calendar might be a quick sell-out, so check it out at your local Sam’s Club next time you go shopping.

I love this idea here and why not, I think its just another way to show our furry family members how much we love them.
I think any pup would love one of these. What a great idea!