HomeSubscription BoxesSubscription Box CouponsAugust 2016 Peaches and Petals Review + Coupons


August 2016 Peaches and Petals Review + Coupons — 5 Comments

  1. Wow…. I can honestly say I saw every episode and love it more today than then.

    I loved Dorothy, bitter at Stan all the time. Blanche taught me my early lessons on sex, Sophia was just a typical mother and Rose was so innocent and her stories..

    Great show.

  2. Omgosh I love this box!! Such fun contents!! Love those Golden Girl cards and that bronzer!! Super happy they sent you a new one!!

  3. I subscribed to Peaches and Petals last fall. I loved the fluffy knitted scarf I got in one box but most other items seemed very random and sad to say cheap. I have noticed that the past few months have had some better items and were much more theme related; aside from this month which I feel was a return to random and cheap. But in the world of subs there are always going to good months and not so good months and downright awful months. I’m glad to see that P&P are doing better.

  4. I’ve been a P&P subscriber for five months now and I don’t see that ending anytime soon! I love this box so much, it’s my favorite out of all the boxes I get at the moment, and even some of the things that are a little random or ‘cheap’ will definitely get use from me, so I don’t tend to mind if this particular box has it’s ups and downs. Thank you for the review!