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$25 Amazon Gift Card from Gululu Giveaway! — 112 Comments

  1. We take our kids trick or treating in our neighborhood and having treats at home after.

  2. Lots of friends head over to our house where we have healthy food and everyone dresses up and heads out to trick or treat!

  3. We go trick or treating, and then come home to warm up by drinking hot cocoa while we watch Hocus Pocus 😀 – Entered as Jennifer Keating

  4. What is your Halloween Tradition?

    Watching horror flicks,and wondering why there’s always one chick smarter than everybody including the creeper

  5. When my sons were younger our tradition was to go eat at McDonald’s then trick or treating at the mall.

  6. I dress up my dog and sit on our front porch handing out candy. My daughter normally joins me after her son gets tired of Trick or Treating. Its a lot of fun!

  7. I hand out candy to the trick or treaters and Dad takes the kids out trick or treating.

  8. We take our kids out trick or treating and give candy out to our neighborhood kids.

  9. Eating pizza, going trick or treating with the grands and by then I’m usually wiped out.lol

  10. None since my son outgrew trick or treating, but soon enough my nephew will be old enough!

  11. On Halloween, we take our daughter trick or treating, then come back and give out candy until they stop coming. Also, I load up the DVR with horror movies every October so I have some to watch for the next month or so.

  12. I decorate the outside of my house on Halloween so kids don’t see the decorations before trick-or-treating.

  13. Decorating the house, preparing the candy to hand out to all the little ghosts and goblins, and watching a spooky movie on TV.

  14. I don’t have a Halloween tradition. When my kids were small we always went trick or treating.

  15. We decorate our house and front porch, and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

  16. Our Halloween tradition is to find pumpkins and carve them. My son goes out trick or treating with his older siblings. On the weekend before or after Halloween my son and I stay up all night watching horror movies.

  17. My Halloween tradition is dressing up and scaring the kids when they come to the door and later watching live Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel. I love to be sccared.

  18. Typically we dress up and walk around and trick or treat. However, this year I just passed out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  19. Our Halloween tradition is just handing out treats! We usually just do take out on Halloween and hang out and eat candy and watch movies!

  20. Our tradition now id decorating the front yard and handing out candy to the trick or treaters

  21. We take our kids trick or treating in our neighborhood and having treats at home after.

  22. I really don’t have any Halloween traditions. I love this time of year with the changing leaves, hoodies, and let’s not forget all things pumpkin!


  24. My halloween tradition is handing out candy while my kids take their kids out trick or treating.

  25. Well it used to be trick or treating but this year my 12 year old didn’t decide until 2 days before Halloween she wanted to go. She enjoys going on the Nightmare Hayrides so I think those types of things will be our new tradition!

  26. Since my kids are grown, my Halloween tradition is to watch horror movies all day and night with yummy snacks like, nachos, and popcorn.